

Super Powered Pets for World Book Day

1 March 2019

Super Powered Pets for World Book Day

Are you looking forward to World Book Day on Thursday 7 March?
We’ve recently met lots of children across the region who certainly are!
Henry Adams has teamed up with lots of different primary schools to celebrate books together and to encourage a life-long pleasure of reading.
This year we’re challenging children to imagine a pet with super-powers to help their favourite book character succeed in all their adventures.
The entry forms are designed in the shape of bunting flags so schools can use the super-powered pet creations for a special World Book Day display for all the children to enjoy.
In the weeks following World Book Day we’ll be revisiting the schools to see all the entries and to choose a winner in each year group who will then be presented with a book. Everyone taking part will have a certificate to thank them for joining in with our competition.
World Book Day is a one-day festival established by UNESCO in 1995 and is now celebrated in more than 100 countries around the globe, including right here in the UK.
At Camelsdale School in Haslemere we’ve set an English Week Reading Challenge with lots of quiz questions and book-related challenges and Kat from our Petersfield branch will be joining Sheet Primary School to award prizes for the best dressed book characters on 7 March.
There’s so much to celebrate about books and reading, whatever your age, so we’re all looking forward to joining in the World Book Day festivities this Spring.

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