

Book Week Bunting

23 March 2018

Book Week Bunting

Adrian Passingham and Dee Tickner joined the children at Wisborough Green Primary School to judge the ‘Book Week Bunting’ challenge which they’d set the previous week.

Adrian, who manages our Billingshurst estate agency office, had asked the younger children to draw their favourite book character on a bunting triangle which was then used in a brightly coloured display in school.

“The sheer variety of the children’s artwork was very impressive and, when all strung together, the bunting looked amazing,” said Adrian, who awarded one child in each class as the winner.

The older children in Key Stage 2 also rose to their challenge which was set by Dee Tickner, our community liaison coordinator.

Said Dee, “We asked them all to come up with a riddle for their bunting flag which gave us clues to their favourite book character along the lines of ‘Who am I?'. I have to say, the children were very inventive with their use of language, especially when making it rhyme, and while some were fairly easy to solve, other riddles were very puzzling - but we all got there in the end!”

The judges were looking for great presentation, clear information and an idea which was simply different, a unique approach.

“The standard overall was outstanding which made selecting the winners extremely difficult,” said Adrian. “All the bunting flags had something special to offer, so congratulations and thank you to everyone who took part!”

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