

Dahlicious Dressing Up Day

13 September 2016

Dahlicious Dressing Up Day

Children and staff at St James’ CE Primary School, Emsworth celebrated the day Roald Dahl was born, 13th September one hundred years ago.

Children and adults took part in ‘The Dahlicious Dressing Up Day’ to raise money for ‘Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity’. Everyone dressed up as their favourite Roald Dahl character and paraded around the school hall showing off their delightful costumes while Matthew Inker Manager at Henry Adams, Emsworth and Dee Tickner, Community Liaison Coordinator awarded badges to the lucky winners. 

Fantastic Mr Fox, George with his marvellous medicine, Matilda, Augustus Gloop, The Enormous Crocodile, Oompa Loompas and Violet Beauregarde were among those taking part. 

We were particularly impressed when Roald Dahl himself turned up in a homemade aeroplane, “I am Roald Dahl when he was a pilot during the war,” we were told by one innovative year 6 child.

Lessons and activities were based around Roald Dahl’s wonderful books and the day was enjoyed by all.


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